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2020: The Year of Hope

2020: The Year of Hope

2020: The Year of Hope is a collaborative project between the renowned Indonesian mother and son duo, Fashion Designer Diana M Putri of Diana Couture and Fashion Photographer and now Director Reinhardt Kenneth. Premiering at Thailand Fashion Week S/S 2021powered by Aston Martin Bangkok, the project births a collection presented through a fashion film, one that focuses on the idea of “finding hope, through unity, in times of adversity”. It gravitates towards an aim to reflect 2020s tragedies through a very diverse cast of fashionable muses, each representing a different issue from this horrific year.

This project collides both creative in two different continents (Diana in Indonesia and Reinhardt in Los Angeles) to work together virtually uniquely this pandemic. Even though most of their planned projects from this year had to be postponed, they still wanted to present a project, one that is relevant to our times and tells a story of hope through fashion.

Reinhardt came up with the narrative of a diverse, yet divided group of girls in a very hopeless “room of thought”, to only find hope in the end of the video while they are all united. The vision that he got was brief, yet powerful, as if it was a message of kindness and compassion transcended in his artistic mind. On what set out to be his Directorial Debut, he approached to contact his long time collaborator and mother, Diana to design “pieces that feel like there’s a ball in the apocalypse, mask included”, and the rest is history.

While the video features a more dramatized yet literal approach to the concept, Diana proceeded to combine her two best features, the elegant and the daring. She wanted to create something that still fits the “Diana Couture woman”, yet in the apocalypse. This collection birthed 13 bodysuits with matching face masks, featuring the finest materials, such as bandages, faux leather, Swarovski crystals, metallic studs, iridescent leather, and the finest taffeta and tulle. These opulent yet daring looks are finished with 3D encrusting, ruffling, and laser cutting techniques.

While Diana designs the looks, Reinhardt chose the perfect diverse group of 7 muse(s) featured in the video:

  • Jessica Belkin (American Horror Story / Pretty Little Liars Star)
  • Duda Castro (Miss Brazil 2009)
  • Cheverly Amalia (LA based Indonesian Film Director, Model, and Singer)
  • Jaslene Whiterose (LA-based Instagram Influencer)
  • Tiffanie Marie (LA-based Model, Dancer, and Creative)
  • Cole Woods (Modelpreneur & Mentor)
  • Yasmeen “YAS” Al-Mazeedi (Music Producer & Violinist, previously have worked with Selena Gomez, John Legend, Kanye West, Miley Cyrus, and many more).

Each girl represents a different tragedy this year that they’re passionate about, whether that being COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, Anti-Xenophobia, Trans Lives, War & Famine, Wildfi res, etc. They all represent a struggle and hopelessness in the “room of thought”, as they fi nally escape into a chaotic world, but one that’s basked with a light of hope.

While shooting the collection at the iconic Millenium Biltmore (venue for Hollywood movies and shows such as A Star is Born, Beverly Hills 90210, Charlie’s Angels, The Bodyguard, Glee, etc; music videos for Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, and many more), the entire team of 40 people wasn’t just talented, they were extremely mindful. Safety protocols such as temperature check, COVID-19 testing result requirements, wearing (a very fashionable Diana Couture X Clariskin) Face Mask, (Olivia Garden) Face Shields, as well as gloves, and last but not least, encouraging constant sanitation on hands and equipment were highly enforced, helping this production become a very safe space for every creative.

Together, Diana, Reinhardt, and the entire team of incredible creative would like to present a fashion fi lm that doesn’t just showcase the fashion in it’s finest form, but one that tells a powerful story of coming together, if only we can come united, that’s when true hope will prevail.



Director: Reinhardt Kenneth (Literali Agency)

Fashion Designer: Diana Couture by Diana M Putri

Hair: Cherry Peterbrink & Taylor Peterbrink

Hair Assistants: Katie Alm & Diana Herrera

Make-up: Carisa Arellano , Jeanne San Diego, Alex Jairus, Tony Giannos, Star Tsai, Bryan The Savage, Coma Spice

Make-up Assistants: Nicole Garza & Emma Anderson

Stylist’s Assistants: Alexandra Lamas & Chiara Ndangoh

Production Assistants: Joyce Ng, Deby Sucha, Brandi J, Freen, Sofi a Lopez, Lom Nguyen, Nathan David

Models: Jessica Belkin, Duda Castro , Cheverly Amalia, Tiffanie Marie, Jaslene White Rose, Cole Woods, Yasmeen Al-Mazeed

Approved by Immediate Connect