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Update your Style in Pantone Shade of the Year

Update your Style in Pantone Shade of the Year

Spring/Summer 2019 comes with the promise of fruity fresh trends, especially as Pantone’s ‘Colour of the Year’ fits right into the season’s vibe. ‘Living Coral’ as you might have seen on underwater footage or on a diving trip, is a vision in itself — gently swaying to the currents of the ocean, ethereal in an expanse of the clear blue. Adapting the juicy shade to your make-up routine can’t be that hard — what with the sunset smolder giving classic smokey eyes quite the competition. If bold is not your choice, embrace the subtle soft smudged lip trend — dab on a deep pigment in orange and smudge it with your fingers until the harsh lines are cleared. Peachy pinks are great to blush up fair skin too or use them on the eyes, in combination with light blues or even sunset yellow. Or just dust them on to take a break from shimmer, but get the same glamour.

Lead Image: Kyusung Gong / ©A.M.P.A.S.; Runway Image: Karishma & Deepa Sondhi

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