B&WSSC promotes Vocational Education
The council has taken significant steps towards introducing Beauty & Wellness Courses in School & Colleges in India and working diligently towards propagating degree courses in school and colleges making courses in Beauty & Wellness more aspirational for the youth of India.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is an important element of the nation’s education initiative. In order for Vocational Education to play its part effectively in the changing national context and for India to enjoy the fruits of the demographic dividend, there is an urgent need to redefine the critical elements of imparting vocational education and training to make them flexible, contemporary, relevant, inclusive and creative. Beauty & Wellness Sector Skill Council (B&WSSC) is playing an important part in framing of vocational qualification framework,introduction of vocational courses in schools & degrees in colleges and setting up of a Vocational University with polytechnics, community colleges, etc.
Some of the highlights of the efforts made by the council
- Launch of modular courses for Schools in Skincare. Going forward to introduce courses in Hair care, Nail care, Fitness & Yoga sub-sectors as well.
- Beauty & Wellness courses in Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) schools across 11 States & 1 Union Territory.
In FY 17-18; 40,744students assessed across 1915 schools in India.
Developed content for Beauty & Wellness Job Roles – Assistant Beauty Therapist & Beauty Therapist for Schools (Class IX – XII) in collaboration with PSSCIVE for the session starting April’ 18. It has been published by NCERT.
- B&WSSC is one of the 3 Councils to launch e-content of its Beauty & Wellness job roles in Haryana Schools in collaboration with Kunskapsskolan and NSDC.
- State Level – B.VoC/B.Sc Courses launched in Colleges under UGC in Beauty & Wellness sector. MoU signed with the following:
- Central University of Jammu – FY 16-17
- Symbiosis Skill Open University – FY 17-18
- Rayat-Bahra University (PTU) – FY 18-19
- Working on initiating Beauty & Wellness Courses in few more Universities across India – VIT, Manav Rachna, Kaziranga University, Nagaland University, Apex University
- Beauty & Wellness aligned programs running in 15 other colleges across 7 States and 1 Union Territory