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Sisley Paris Partners with Ritz-Carlton Spa, Bangalore

Sisley Paris Partners with Ritz-Carlton Spa, Bangalore

Celebrates International Women’s Health Day

The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Bangalore collaborated with the French luxury brand Sisley Paris (Parcos) and Lillet and Nauf, to curate an event to celebrate International Women’s Health Day on 25th May. ish event in honor of International Women’s Health Day on May 25th, 2024. The event was a remarkable celebration dedicated to promoting wellness and self-care for women, in partnership with the epitome of French luxury, Sisley-Paris, Parcos, Lillet and Natuf.

Sheric Dorairaj, Director of Spa at The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore welcomed the guests, followed by a workshop on the latest skincare and modern skincare techniques by Sisley Paris.

Sisley is distributed in India by Parcos and is renowned globally for its high-performance plant-based skincare, fragrances, and treatment makeup. Additionally, Chelsea shared valuable tips on Closet Cleanse, providing guests with practical advice on maintaining mental health through effective cleansing techniques.

The spa is spread over a sprawling 17,000 sq. ft. area.
Featuring ten exquisitely designed massage rooms, including a lavish Spa Suite, The Ritz-Carlton Spa presents a comprehensive spectrum of services. Among these is the renowned “Jaali Embrace,” a harmonious fusion of ancient healing techniques and modern indulgence that revitalizes mind, body, and spirit.

The Wellness floor features a gym that provides a space for invigorating workouts to resident guests, while the indoor vitality pool offers a sanctuary of hydrotherapy before or after a spa session. The relaxation room provides a tranquil interlud, the allure of the outdoors is embraced through the temperature-controlled pool, which offers a refreshing dip in any season. The steam room and sauna complete the holistic journey, promoting detoxification and renewal. An exceptional highlight of The Ritz-Carlton Spa is “Spa Suite” equipped with a jacuzzi, relaxation room and steam and Sauna room perfect for a celebration. The Ritz-Carlton Spa also features a state of the art hair salon “Parfaire,” catering to diverse beauty needs.

The evening culminated with a delightful cocktail and dinner at the picturesque Poolside, offering a perfect setting for relaxation and mingling. The event truly captured the essence of International Women’s Health Day by offering a holistic and indulgent experience that celebrated the well-being of women. The Ritz-Carlton Spa’s commitment to providing a sanctuary of tranquility and rejuvenation was evident throughout the event, making it a resounding success and a testament to its dedication to women’s wellness.

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