11/01/2023 Education, Hair, Hairdresser, News, Profiles, Salon CAMOUFLAGE Collection by Toni Espigares Camouflage is a natural resource based on the combination of different colors that allow camouflage with the environment to go...
09/10/2022 Educator's Profile, Hair, Hairdresser, Profiles YOU Collection by GONZALO & ZIORTZA ZARAUZA YOU: The new collection emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the choiceds of the bride for her special day. 'Hairdressers, stylists and...
27/07/2022 Events, Hair, Hair, News, News, Updates Finalists for Spanish Hairdressing Awards Announced The most important event of the Spanish Hairdressing industry, the Figaro Awards, in its 13th year, received 136 collections this year from...