Try Aromatherapy for Work-Stress Relief – Dr Blossom Kochhar
Most people have a minimum 40-hour workweek – that is 2000 hours at work each year. Our jobs are often very stressful and work stress can trigger many common ailments and diseases. It is a well-known fact that stress and burnout in the workplace is a serious and continuing problem. Job pressure, lack of sunshine, constant exposure to computers, chemicals, air-conditioning, and harsh lighting are just some of the factors that can contribute to increased stress at the workplace. Stress can have a detrimental impact on an employee’s productivity. By taking a natural approach to reducing stress, employees can improve the comfort level at their workplace and thereby, improve their effectiveness and productivity.
Symptoms of stress in the workplace include excessive sick days, headaches, lethargy, mood and sleep disturbances, upset stomach, loss of sense of humour, irritability, depression, and disturbed relationships with family and friends. Other symptoms include making errors, having difficulty concentrating, and feeling defensive or angry inside. Aromatherapy and essential oils can help you cope and calm you down and hence, enhance productivity.
Dr Blossom Kochhar – Founder & Chairperson of the Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies institutionalized’, recommends Aromatherapy for stress relief at work: Aromatherapy, as the name suggests, is healing the mind, body, and soul using beautiful fragrances and scented essential oils. This is a pure and unadulterated natural remedy for many aches, stress and dull moods. The essential oils used in aromatherapy are concentrated extracts which are derived from the roots, leaves, and blossoms of herbs. Essential oils are very powerful in their concentrated form and hence, are not directly applied onto the skin. They are first diluted with carrier oils like apricot kernel oil or sweet almond oil as it ensures better absorption.
Benefits of Aromatherapy:
- Healing Properties
- Stimulates Immune System
- Relieves Cramps and headaches
- Energizes And Rejuvenates
- Aids In Blood Circulation
- Drives away Cold
How to use aromatherapy at work:
There are many ways to bring Aromatherapy into the workplace. Diffusers heat essential oils and allow their molecules to be released into the atmosphere. Inhaling different essential oils can alter your mood, stimulate creativity, help concentration and rid the area of airborne viruses and bacteria. For example, using Lavender essential oil in your office is said to reduce computer errors by at least 25%.
Neroli Oil is a stress buster that not just wards off tension but also relieves you of mental exhaustion and agitation arising out of office nuances. It also improves concentration. It can be used in a diffuser, which heats the oil and allows its molecules to harmonize with the atmosphere to keep you relieved. If a diffuser is not available, then put just a drop or two of Neroli oil on a cotton bud or tissue paper and place it near your work station. For diffusers, use 4 to 6 drops.
Basil oil is ideal to fight the effects of negativity, burn-out and intellectual fatigue. Regular use ensures better concentration, clarity of thoughts and a bounce of enthusiasm to keep you going at work. Take a bowl of water and put less than a drop of Basil oil in it. Now, soak a towel in it and then use it to wipe off your body, especially the exposed parts, before going to sleep. Alternatively, you can also put one-tenth of a drop of this oil behind your ear and feel the fragrance giving you a relaxing effect.
Rosemary oil can treat loss of memory, lethargy and strain. It gives you energy and gives a boost to the immune system. It can be used in a bath or in a diffuser. Diffusing an anti-viral oil such as Lemon Essential Oil is beneficial when seasonal colds and flu make their rounds in the office. Tea tree Oil offers added protection. Use it wipe down work surfaces, keyboards, lunch tables, telephones and anything else that is shared in the office.
Apart from these, if you have any other favourite essential oil, you can use it at your workplace, in these ways:
- A few drops of oil on the cardboard tube inside a roll of toilet paper works well to ensure a nice smelling bathroom.
Keep a cotton ball dipped in essential oil between your business card box and you have scented cards!