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Nurturing Menopausal Wellness: Ayurvedic Solutions for Inflammation and Acidity

Nurturing Menopausal Wellness: Ayurvedic Solutions for Inflammation and Acidity

Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman’s life, accompanied by countless physiological
changes. Among these changes, inflammation and acidity can often disrupt daily life and overall
well-being. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers holistic dietary and lifestyle
recommendations tailored to alleviate symptoms and promote balance during menopause and in
addressing these concerns. Dr. Pooja Kohli, Senior Ayurveda Expert, HempStreet shares Ayurvedic
to support digestion in women experiencing menopause or perimenopause.

Harmonizing Mealtime Practices: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of mindful eating habits to support optimal digestion and reduce inflammation. Eating in a calm, relaxed environment and chewing food thoroughly aids in proper digestion. Overeating and rapid eating should be avoided to prevent undue stress on the digestive system. Establishing regular mealtimes fosters digestive regularity. Women are advised to avoid consuming excessively spicy and oily foods and to refrain from drinking water during their main meals. It’s acceptable to take a sip or two, but excessive intake is not recommended. Additionally, indulging in heavy meals late at night is discouraged to preserve digestive balance.

Eating Nutrient Dense Food : A predominantly plant-based diet rich in fresh, whole foods forms the cornerstone of an Ayurvedic approach to menopausal wellness. Cooked, warm foods are favored over raw and cold options. Healthy fats such as ghee, coconut oil, and olive oil provide nourishment, while easily digestible proteins like mung beans and lentils support satiety. Incorporating digestive spices such as cumin, coriander, turmeric, ginger, and fenugreek aids in reducing bloating and gas, promoting digestive ease. Conversely, spicy, fried, and processed foods exacerbate acidity and inflammation. Indian women, who primarily consume tea and coffee, should limit their intake of caffeine and focus on adequate hydration.

Introduce Hormone-Regulating Foods In Your Diet: Ayurveda offers a treasure trove of herbal remedies to alleviate menopausal symptoms. Aloe vera juice consumed before meals soothes the digestive tract, while fenugreek juice aids digestion and reduces inflammation. Licorice tea and chamomile tea offer anti-inflammatory and soothing benefits, respectively. Gulkand, a potent antioxidant, reduces inflammation and serves as a rejuvenating tonic. Consume this, half a tsp, post meals for managing hormonal health. Khajoor Mantha, derived from dates, supports bone health, regulates blood pressure, and combats inflammation, making it an ideal addition to a menopausal diet.

Cultivating Holistic Lifestyle Habits: In addition to dietary considerations, lifestyle habits play a crucial role in menopausal wellness. Avoiding lying down immediately after meals allows for proper digestion. Taking a 10-minute walk after meals facilitates a gradual release of glucose, enhancing the digestive process. Stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing promote overall balance. Regular physical activity supports mental and physical health and Ayurvedic practices like self-massage (abhyanga) and gentle yoga poses further aid in digestion and detoxification.

Attributed to Dr. Pooja Kohli, Senior Ayurveda Expert, HempStreet

About the Author:
Dr Pooja Kohli
is a post-graduate in Ayurvedic medicine and specialized in ‘Kaya Chikitsa’; a branch of Ayurveda that gives a physician an ample knowledge of Ayurvedic medicines. She has skills in medical counselling and treating patients with ‘Ras Aushidhis’ and ‘Panchkarma’ that require immediate medical interventions. She has also gained technical knowledge on the action/interaction of herbal medicines on the human body during her stint with Multani Pharmaceuticals; a leading Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Co. She possesses technical know-how of QC/QA and has the ability to treat patients of varied illness such as Anemia, Anxiety, Cancer Management through Ayurveda, Childhood Asthma, conditions of female pelvic floor such PCOS, Uterine Fibroids, and special inclination to treat geriatric conditions. Other than being a sapient clinician, she had a stint with CCIM (Central Council of Indian Medicine, an autonomous body under Ministry of AYUSH) as an Assistant Registrar/ Senior Technical Associate (Ayurveda). She plays a key organizing role at National Ayurveda Students & Youth Association (NASYA). Currently She is working with technology-driven platform that provides access to authentic Ayurveda doctors on a global scale i.e. NirogStreet.

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